We are hosting a webinar!


Jul 30, 2024

1 minute read

We are hosting a webinar!

We are thrilled to announce an informative webinar on the latest 1099DA regulations in partnership with Alvarez & Marsal. Register here!

Title: 1099DA Rules are final. Are you ready?
When: Wednesday, August 14 at 2 PM ET
NODE40, Chief Executive Officer Perry Woodin 
NODE40, Head of Tax and Accounting Solutions Norman Hannawa
A&M, Tax Managing Director Chris Kotarba 
A&M, Tax Managing Director Joshua Graybill

Description: We are excited to announce an upcoming webinar in partnership with Alvarez & Marsal, where we will delve into the latest 1099-DA regulations. This session will cover the final regulations and demonstrate how NODE40’s data solutions can assist brokers in navigating these changes. Join Perry, Norm, Chris and Josh as they highlight these updates and discuss their implications.
Registration: https://web.cvent.com/event/d0560f16-7a0e-404d-8464-5852a7ecb443/regProcessStep1

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